July 2, 2014

Throwback Thursday: The Cousin Edition

My favorite thing about summer is getting a chance to visit with family. M and Peanut have two awesome cousins that live in North Carolina. Unfortunately, due to the long drive and dueling schedules, we only get the chance to get together a couple times a year.   It still blows my mind that the two little girls that were my flower girls are growing up so fast! Renae, the oldest of the cousins, is almost 14 and is only 1/2 inch shorter than me. Layla, age 9, told me that she has plans to be in the Olympics when she grows up. Why must they all grow up so fast? Slow it down please!

If you have been following our journey, you are probably aware that I am a sucker for recreating photos from days gone by. I pulled a few pictures from our past visits to do some cute side by sides of our babies all growing up! Enjoy!

Peanut and Renae in front of Henry's Louisiana Grill.

All of the cousins together and growing up- way too fast!

Have you had a chance to visit with out of town family this summer?


  1. Awww, look how big they have all gotten over the last couple of years. You can really see it when you have all the photos side by side like that :)

  2. Great pictures! I wish I was that organized. Cousins are very important for our son who is an only child so I applaud those kid pics!

  3. How sweet,I love your picture recreations.My kiddies are going to spend 2 weeks with their grandparents so they are excited for that.

  4. I'm obsessed with looking at pictures of my kids like this. I love looking back!

  5. What a cute bunch of kiddos! I love that you were able to get a photo for each year. That will be a wonderful memory later.

  6. Haven't visited any family out of town. But I have been looking at baby pictures of my 2 boys today and having a throwback myself.

  7. I love taking pictures like this and looking back on them. I have photos with my cousins growing up and it is so great looking back on them now!

  8. Actually yes, we've had many visitors stop in and spend time with us, mostly on my husband's side of the family. Love all the photos, and the Batman shirts!

  9. Aw, I love to see the pictures like that too. Its fun to compare then and now, and see how much they've changed.

  10. What a cute group!! We moved back home last year and one big reason is I wanted my son to be close to his cousins, like I was growing up!

  11. That is great. Every summer I try and take both my niece and my nephew for a week each so that we can stay close and connected. The don't live super far away, but they are out of town and we don't get to visit nearly often enough. Woo Hoo Family Time!

  12. so sweet. Would have been extra cool if the pictures were taken in the same spot and kids in the exact placement every year!

  13. They are all growing into such adorable little people! Isn't is so wonderful when they get to bond with each other?

  14. It is so cool to look back and see how kids grow up. Thanks for sharing these pictures!

  15. We have cousins just around the corner. So glad they get to grow up together

  16. Cute pics..we sure did...this past week we visited my husband's aunts and uncles in the UP of Michigan. Fun trip!

  17. I haven't had a chance to visit with out of town family. Most of them come in for our family reunion in a few weeks. So far my summer has been spent working inside and weeding my garden.

  18. The recreated pictures are super cute! We'll have to do that the next time we get my girls together with their cousin.

  19. Oh my goodness. they have grown up so much, but they are all love each other!

  20. Wow they are all growing so much! In our family cousins are close as well.

  21. I love this timeline collage! They have grown so much in those years

  22. We actually just had a wedding reception to go to this past weekend. It's so nice to see everyone we only see once or twice a year!

  23. Awww, they have grown so much. Happy weekend!

  24. Adorable kids. Growing up so fast.

  25. what a fun collage., i love seeing the progression over the years.I love my cousins!

  26. It's so amazing seeing how fast kids grow. It's wonderful to have cousins to grow with and have photos of their childhood to cherish forever.

  27. The kids looks so cute! I know my kids love to get together with the cousins as well.

  28. How cute are they? Man, the difference a few years make!!!

  29. Aww we are in the same boat. I love taking these kind of snapshots to see how much they have grown in between visits.

  30. So crazy how quick kids grow up. Just a few years makes so much of a difference.

  31. Kids grow up super fast! I enjoyed the pictures. thank you so much for sharing this with us. I love it

  32. How cute! Yes, they grow soo quickly!
