July 22, 2014

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: Missing Miss M

This past weekend, M's Memaw took her to Myrtle Beach, SC! My mother-in-law has started taking her grand-babies on solo-vacations in order to spend one on one time with them. This year was M's turn and I missed her... I missed her a lot! It was good getting to hangout with just Peanut, but I felt like something was off all four days! When she came home, she was so excited to share all of her adventures. One of her favorites was going on the Sky Wheel- twice!! Don't worry about her lack of seat belt- it is fully enclosed.

Even if you can't see her face in it, I am still in love with this picture. 

Photo Credit: Memaw

To my mother-in-law...thanks for spoiling our girl! 
She had a blast and I can't wait to see where Peanut decides to go!

Have you ever been on a ferris wheel or sky wheel?


  1. This is such a great post! It is so easy to get wrapped up in day to day life. It is great to stop and think about how great it is to be a mom.

  2. Getting to go to animated movies because "the kids want to go". ;)

  3. So true! One of my favorite things was getting to watch old cartoons that my kids wanted to watch. Love the Smurfs!

  4. There are definitely perks to being a parent! Love the ones you shared. :)

  5. Awwww...this post makes me reconsider my stance on whether I want children. I especially love the last one. :)

  6. My son and I take selfies all the time. He is almost two and knows how to operate the camera!

  7. LOVE this post, it actually brought tears to my eyes. It's nice to remember these things when you've had a bad day :)

  8. Domestic MommyhoodJuly 23, 2014 at 7:10 PM

    I like the ones where there will be times that will melt your heart!! Great post! Made me look at my kids and smile!

  9. Definitely the times that make my heart smile. My younger daughter and toddler son are so sweet to each other.

  10. These are all wonderful perks! My favorite is definitely snuggles, though. :)

  11. I am glad that you liked it! I totally cried when I saw it in the preview screen!

  12. I noticed that you followed suit and did a boy perks! Care to link up to each other?

  13. YOu captured some great pictures. So many sweet pictures to cherish

  14. I think it's just a whole different way of life. I have three older sisters that have been married for ages but none have kids. Having our daughter just opens up a whole new aspect to everything.

  15. I can not even imagine not having children. The joy of parenthood literally can not be compared to anything else on earth!

  16. I guess my favorite would be always having someone to be silly with. My toddler gives me the biggest hi when I come home from work and I love it. You got some great shots.

  17. I love that I always have someone to be silly with,my kids keep me laughing all the time,Oh and of course watching cartoon and playing with toys :).

  18. These are great pictures and perks! This post made me smile!

  19. such a great post. I love the real hugs and kisses I get without reason

  20. My kids are teens and I love that we are friends and do fun things together and have great conversations about life.

  21. I love the unconditional love the most. I also like finding random child items in my purse, like Matchbox cars, hair barrettes, lollipops and temporary tattoos. When I pull one of those items out of my purse I always smile.

  22. My boys keep me very entertained. I love that I get to be a stay at home mom and not miss a thing.

  23. My boys are definitely my smile makers...and my stress makers lol But the two go hand in hand. At the end of the day I still want to kiss their entire face.

  24. Oh my goodness... so many! One of my favorites is watching them laugh and interact with one another and then another is hearing them turn into comedians.. just like their mama.

  25. Love all the perks of being a parent. Enjoy them while they are little. My oldest leaves for college in the fall and I am so nervous. I love being silly with my girls.

  26. Love the perks of being a parents. Helps you forget the less than perky moments parents also get. Ha!

  27. I love all of these, and they are so true Isn't it great being a Mom!!

  28. These are all so true! So amazing to be a mommy!

  29. Jeanine @ sixtimemommy.comJuly 24, 2014 at 9:42 AM

    I completely agree! I love being a mom so awesome:)

  30. Ae, how sweet. Your photos made me smile.

  31. So sweet. I can't wait til I have kids!

  32. Definitely the unprompted hugs and kisses! I love this list :)

  33. Awww this is adorable! I can't choose a favorite perk but I do love the being silly one...and the fact that I have a sweet little companion all of my own to love and teach!

  34. I love this. You are so right! :) I love my 3 daughters more than life itself.

  35. What a bunch of great parenting perks :-) The kids are simply adorable. I look forward to snuggles with my grandkids!

  36. Love all of these. Parenting is a full time job with many rewards and bonuses.

  37. I miss the snuggles! I didn't know they would end so soon!

  38. I agree that selfies are okay with the kids. :) My daughter puts me in hers all the time, and I recently put the two youngest in with one for me. I think it makes cute memories. :)

  39. Awww.... those are sweet. We all need these reminders on *those* days!! lol

  40. This is a great list of parenting perks. I love all your pics!

  41. Even though there is tons of fighting there are definitely sweet moments!

  42. Aww what a wonderful list of parenting perks! I <3 them! x

  43. Great list of perks! I agree with each and every one of them!

  44. Aww, these made me smile. All great perks of parenting, for sure.

  45. Angie bigbearswifeJuly 24, 2014 at 6:21 PM

    Awwwweee I can't wait until be have kids! Loved your post

  46. I'm in love with this post! So very, very sweet! Thanks for the smiles!

  47. This post was just too adorable! I loved all the photos :)

  48. I like all of these perks. I think one of my best is the joy that I feel when seeing my kids happy.

  49. I love this post! The pictures are adorable.

  50. Cute post! I'm waiting for the day when we have a kid-free vacation. LOLL!

  51. I love all of those things about being a mom. The honest taste tester is right on I don't know how many times my son has told me to never ever make certain things again.

  52. This is such a sweet post! I was out of town last weekend and the reception I got when I got home... you'd have thought I'd been gone for months instead of days!

  53. These are all so very true! Love the honest taste tester one sometimes a little too honest. lol

  54. One of the perks is that feeling you get when you first have your baby. Nothing could ever compare to it!

  55. My favorite perk is the cuddles when they are little. And when they come back and cuddle when they are older too!

  56. I agre. Sometimes stress overcomes but we get these reminders.

  57. there's always someone to talk to and play with! Love my kiddos!
