April 30, 2014

Puddles & Pinwheels

For the last few weeks, we have had either beautiful Spring days or nasty soggy rainy days. To be completely honest, there have been some gorgeous afternoons that should have been spent outside that we wasted indoors. After the rain finally let up this evening, my inner child demanded that I take the kids out to play in the puddles before bedtime.

I asked Peanut if he wanted to put his shorts on- he politely declined.

M taking the time to smell the geraniums

I love how this picture captures my messy mischievous little guy.
M wanted me to take a picture of her flower. Who am I to refuse a cute photo op?

Is there a specific activity that takes you back to your childhood?


  1. We were never allowed to splash in puddles when we were kids, so I let my own two get out there all they want. I live on a dirt road, too, so they are more mud puddles, but my boys don't mind.

  2. Gorgeous flowers! Yesterday I was outside with my son running around- I don't know their real name and they took me back!

  3. I've decided that galoshes are a MUST HAVE for a little kid. I didn't have any until I was older. Red loves his pirate ones!

  4. Looks like they had a blast playing outside and the flowers are beautiful. My son is 7 and still runs around the house in his undies.

  5. What is it about puddles that makes them so attractive! I do remember doing it myself as a child - I guess they're magical.

  6. Looks like they had such a great time! I love the flowers, they are lovely I would love a yard like this.

  7. What fun time you and the kiddos had! My daughters use to run around in their undies too. I guess they felt more free that way...hehe! I'm loving those rain boots!

  8. My girls were never ones who liked to get dirty, but I have a nephew that I love to splash in puddles with! Such cuties in your photos!

  9. I don't mind splashing in the puddles. I just got boots for myself for that very reason

  10. Oh, how fun!! Riding a bike takes me back to childhood, riding on the street in front of my grandparents house.

  11. Running through the sprinkler takes me back! My kids have a local splash pad so they don't know how to do it old school ;)

  12. These photos are great! Your little guy is too funny! The geraniums are beautiful!!

  13. puddles are for jumping. always. that's why we get rain boots for kids. right?

    my son didn't wear pants for about 2 years. its a phase. mostly. LOL!

  14. Such pretty photos! I love those rainbows too! I need to get some for my girls!

  15. Oh, to have a rainy day here would be wonderful. There's nothing more fun than playing in the rain! Alas, Phoenix gets very little, so you can imagine our excitement (and oh, the playing) that goes on when we do get rain. Looks like you guys enjoyed it immensely!

  16. I love rainy days! The last time it rained, my son just sat by the window in complete awe! That picture of your little one in his diaper and boots is precious!

  17. This looks like so much fun! It's been raining here, but I can't wait to get out and get our hands a little dirty too!

  18. The mud capture is absolutely precious. So like my soon to be 4 year old!

  19. Such cute pictures and I love their little rain boots. I used to love splashing around in puddles when it rained. My mom would let us go out while it was still raining and it was so much fun!

  20. My boys love splashing in puddles. Those boots are so cute!

  21. Such cute photos! We grew up out in the country - and always played outside in the puddles. In our backyard, there was a part of the yard that always flooded after a heavy rain. We played in that for hours and hours.

  22. We have begun the pant-less season! I love kids in mud and nature. Brings back memories of my own mishaps in the mud.

  23. How fun and adorable kiddos! For me it's the smell of oil and gasoline....the daughter of a mechanic. ;)

  24. There is truly something wonderful about allowing children to play and to enjoy the world around them without cares and worries.

  25. There is truly something wonderful about allowing children to play outdoors without regard to anything except having fun.

  26. I love the color of those geraniums! I've never had much luck with them.

  27. Finally some out door weather! Your kids are really adorable

  28. Fun pics! We are puddle splashers! I love it!

  29. Walking through the woods takes me back to childhood. Our house was backed up to the woods until it all got developed when I was a teenager.

  30. Beautiful photos! Your kids are too cute, love the boots!

  31. Hahaha, how cute are these? I love that he politely declined shorts. :) Kids are funny!

  32. What sweet photos. The weather is actually really nice here - haven't had rain in a bit!

  33. What cute pictures of the little ones! I especially love the messy face photo and the one with flower in the hands! Yes, you definitely shouldn't refuse cute pics like those. :)

  34. What adorable children you have! My daughter loves to play in rain and puddles, but it always makes me cringe. I don't like to get wet!

  35. I love the puddles :) We loved family game nights growing up

  36. I love puddle jumping when I have gumboots on! These are very sweet pictures :)

  37. Cute pics. My daughter seeks out puddles. No matter how small she HAS to make a splash!

  38. My kids attack puddles! They will compete with each other to see who can make the biggest splash!

  39. We don't get rain often, but when we do the kids think it's so fun!! Cute rain boots!!

  40. Those are some cute rainboots! It looks like they had a great day :)

  41. rolling down the hills on a summer day! Loved that. My kids don't know the pleasures we had growing up.
